Die Suche ergab 3 Treffer

von HighFreq
19.01.2011 18:38:18
Forum: Protos 500
Thema: MSHeli Help
Antworten: 27
Zugriffe: 2076

Re: MSHeli Help

Cutting the shaft of the motor for the mini can be tricky, i think you have to trial and error or wait for a pdf that we will put on the site shortly. @torro i think you have a faulty adapter, best thing would be to use an adapter from the stretch kit since they are hardened and last much longer. Co...
von HighFreq
17.01.2011 23:40:20
Forum: Protos 500
Thema: MSHeli Help
Antworten: 27
Zugriffe: 2076

Re: MSHeli Help

@ Torro, i am not sure i understand your problem.

@Macem, yes you have to cut your motor shaft. When doing it, make sure not to overheat the shaft and pack the motor with a plastic bag so no debris get inside.

von HighFreq
17.01.2011 00:39:18
Forum: Protos 500
Thema: MSHeli Help
Antworten: 27
Zugriffe: 2076

MSHeli Help

Hello everybody, this is Corrado if anybody needs help on the Protos or Mini i'll do my best to answer here.

Please write on this thread and not in privat so answer to question can be useful to other users too.

Please write in English, my german is not so good :oops:

Corrado :mrgreen:

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